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December 06, 2005



I, too, ended up with extras that didn't get put up, but that's OK. I did shame my husband for grousing about putting the tree up, though. My daughter was so excited that when he got just the lights up, she laid on her belly, gazing up at the tree with a big grin. I said "See there? Childhood memories in the making. Fake it, for God's sake!". He agreed.


I'm a minimalist. I tape the cards we get to our front door (which is steel) and a 4 ft. tree. Between the kids and the dogs, a full size tree just doesn't work. It sits nicely on a table and keeps sticky fingers (or tails) away.

Last year, I bought outdoor lights, but no one hung them. That's okay. This year, I outlined the inside of my livingroom picture window with lights. The living room has a nice glow and we enjoy the neighbors' outdoor lights.


I love doing the tree and I have a collection of candles. I guess I am loving the candles even more this year, knowing it will be much harder to have them around with a toddler looming in my Christmas Horizon next year.



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