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October 07, 2005


Joy Des Jardins

Jane, I am in the same boat. I usually get my hair highlighted at the salon too, but being out of work I really can't afford those prices anymore. I've been toying with doing my own hair at home, but have been afraid what color I might end up with...I'm a little too old to wind up with something dramatic/weird...I really need to stick with a color that can be found in nature. Maybe I should just go for it and not worry so much about it. Thanks for this post Jane.


Years ago a former girlfriend talked me into coloring my graying hair, goatee too. It was supposed to be dark brown, but it came out dark green. Being a guitar player I just switched to my green strat for a while, and people thought I was "edgy". I did take an awful lot of grief from the guys at work though. now I just live with the salt&pepper.


Shave your head & start over.


And after you shave your head, I understand that Eva Gabor has a rather spiffy wig line.

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