I caught the season premiere of "Veronica Mars" and the second episode of "Lost" last night. Is it just me, or have Francis Capra and Harold Perrineau both gained a little weight since last season?
Both shows are still excellent, by the way. "Lost" is getting to be even more like a soap opera than before, in that this episode mainly embellished upon scenes we'd seen last week and added little new information.
"Veronica Mars" had so many plot twists that you couldn't look away for a second without missing something. Oh, how I love that show.
This TV season is going to make me have to re-learn how to program a VCR. The TiVo is set to catch "Lost," but "Veronica Mars" is on at the same time and our old TiVo can't record them both at once. I'm seldom home on Wednesday nights, but I don't think I can wait until next summer to watch this season. I have the same problems on Tuesday nights with "My Name is Earl" and "The Office" on one channel and "House" on another.
Speaking of shows that used to conflict with other shows I watch, what the heck has happened to "Scrubs"? It's not even on the schedule and its NBC website is quite vague.
I'm trying to concentrate all my show-liking on network TV to prepare myself for cancelling our cable service. So far it seems to be working.
I found myself addicted to Lost by the end of the last season! Let's hope TVNZ gets hold of this series quickly before I start reading spoilers off the internet and telling my husband "I know what happens to such-and-such tonight." Apparently this habit is very annoying.
Posted by: Fi | September 29, 2005 at 02:47 PM
Last I heard Scrubs is supposed to come back at mid season.
Posted by: Huts | September 29, 2005 at 03:33 PM
The conflicting shows finally led us to buy a SECOND TIVO!! The one in the bedroom doesn't get used that often... one or two shows a week, but WHO CARES?? MORE GADGETS IS BETTER!!!!
Posted by: dr. dave | September 30, 2005 at 06:08 AM
Fi is correct...Scrubs is being held until mid-season, but it's going back into production soon (unless it already has...what day is this again?) so they can use it to fill a hole if one of their few remaining half-hour shows tanks before mid-season.
Posted by: sasha | October 05, 2005 at 04:00 PM
Oh, darn, the name of the commenter is below the comment, not above, so what I meant was "Huts is correct." Sorry.
Posted by: sasha | October 05, 2005 at 04:01 PM