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August 18, 2005



I apologize for that, Jane. I should have provided a warning. Now I'm responsible for at least two wasted lives.


J-Walk - Actually, my lack of skill will probably drive me away sooner or later. I'm too competitive to be able to stand the thought of losing every time.


Yeah, It's got me too. But I think it will help improve my typing skills.


Thanks for the warning; I will make sure the WeBOGGLE does not capture my mind and suck it dry! [email protected]


I am currently addicted to Zuma (at MSN games). It's amazing how easily I can get hooked on these silly things!

Lisa Ann

OMG! Thanks for this link -- I was "in the closet" before about my Boggle obsession but now I've found people just like me. Home sweet home.

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