I've always loved games. When I was growing up, we frequently played Scrabble, Monopoly, Bingo and numerous card games. I distinctly remember our first Trivial Pursuit and Pictionary games.
Now I have an entire shelf in my dressing room piled almost to the ceiling with games. Unfortunately, it's seldom that my friends have time to spend an afternoon or evening playing them. I'm determined to keep trying, though, especially since I keep seeing new games I want to have:
- One of my favorite magazines, Mental Floss, has just released a trivia game.
- On her A-ha! blog, Yvonne DiVita recently mentioned Booktastic!, a game for book lovers and game lovers. Since that perfectly describes all my friends, you can see why I'll have to buy it.
Of course, there are lots of games I already have that I'd love to have the chance to play again soon:
- Wit's End, a combination of trivia, logic and language questions, some of which are really difficult!
- Cranium, even though it makes you do embarrassing things like imitations of famous people, charades and humming. It's all worth it for the drawing and sculpting questions.
- Any version of Trivial Pursuit.
- And, yes, I even miss Bunko.
I think I'll try one more time to gather the group for a game night. We need an evening of brain exercise and camaraderie.
Does anyone have any other favorite game suggestions?
Canasta!! Cribbage!! Euchre!! Spit!! Rush and Bank!! Spades!!
Posted by: Cagey | May 18, 2005 at 09:58 AM
Pictionary is always a good laugh, and Scattergories.
I love Cranium - played it a lot over the Xmas holidays.
Posted by: Fi | May 24, 2005 at 04:44 PM