While this blog may provide the occasional moment of mild amusement, it's far from being a fount of useful information. Nevertheless, many visitors arrive here every day thanks to extremely specific but ultimately fruitless keyword searches on a variety of topics.
Here are some of my favorite search phrases from the past couple of days:
"Jane magazine January 2005 the one thing she won't take off" - One proper noun short of a successful search. I wonder what the one thing is?
"jessica simpson 2005 haircut" - Did Jessica Simpson change her hairstyle this year? I hadn't noticed.
"shopping list for a new chameleon" - My shopping list of weird stuff tied with my purchase of chameleon-colored Thinking Putty. Your new chameleon isn't going to appreciate that, though.
"monkey hate clean saturday night live" - This one actually makes sense and contains a good link to the video clip in question. You're welcome!
"i dressed my husband as a bride for Halloween" and "paris hilton donatella versace" - Both of these come from my description of a Halloween party I attended last year. One husband and wife were dressed as "Kill Bill" characters Gogo Yubari and The Bride, respectively. Other costumes included Paris Hilton (complete with stuffed chihuahua) and a drag Donatella Versace.
"lakes andes sd wpa" - This one is a little weird in that I know I've discussed the WPA in the context of a local park, but I can't remember ever mentioning Lake Andes, SD. Oddly enough, my great-aunt lived in Lake Andes much of her life and we used to go there in the summertime when I was a kid. I'll make sure to do a blog entry about those trips sometime soon - I remember them well.
The majority of my search traffic still comes from queries about beta fish. If you find your way here in the hope of learning something valuable about the well-being of your beta fish, please visit BettaTalk instead. Faith at BettaTalk has more knowledge about betas than I ever will.
Okay, fellow bloggers, what are your favorite search phrases that have turned up in your referrer logs? The more random the better...
Jane, you're on the homepage of Typepad. Great going! I'm mentioning it in Lip-sticking! You go, girl!
Posted by: Yvonne DiVita | March 15, 2005 at 08:15 AM
I have gotten several hits from searches for both "celebrity sex" AND religious type of searches that pointed me back to some scripture-type of blogs. Very weird combo, I thought.
Posted by: Cagey | March 15, 2005 at 09:10 AM
I have to say that the weird referral phrases never end. Here are some more that have appeared since I perused my logs last night:
"What type of costumes do the horses wear in tournament in Medieval Times?"
"Rabbit for Yard Concrete"
"southpark cartman pinkeye scott baio"
"peacocks as pets" (Jane says, don't do it!)
"flava cooks dinner brigitte nielsen"
"abducted by aliens and placed in a zoo"
Posted by: Jane | March 15, 2005 at 02:18 PM
My most recent weird referral phrase was "Waste bin suck air". What on earth they were looking for I don't know but it led them to a mention I made of storage bags.
Posted by: Fran | March 15, 2005 at 06:15 PM