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March 24, 2005


Nancy Taylor

YOu are so right about the butternut extract, it is extremely hard to find. Could you give me the phone number or address of a company that sells this product?

Nancy Taylor

L. Hebert

I have found the place my Grandmohter would get the butternet. It is http://www.superiorflavors.com/servlet/StoreFront


I would like a web site to purchase butter nut flavoring. Your right it's hard to find in the pacific northwest.


Our family has used this exact recipe for years, but I have been unable to buy the butter and nut extract locally for a very long time. I wanted to make it for my mother's birthday party, but of course I can't buy the flavor. I will have to think ahead!


this is the cake I grew up eating too, do you know where the recipie origanaly came from? My mom grew up in PA

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