Actually, I didn't watch that much TV last night, but I checked out the premiere of a new show: House. So far, so good. It stars Hugh Laurie (a big fave of mine ever since he played Bertie Wooster in the Wooster and Jeeves series on BBC) as a brilliant but cranky and misanthropic doctor who constantly resists hospital protocol. He's surrounded by a team of incredibly attractive younger doctors, so...bonus.
Tuesday is jam-packed with shows I'd like to watch, if only the TiVo weren't limited to one show at a time. Last week I watched the second half of Veronica Mars in the bedroom while the TiVo recorded Scrubs. Today it was the second half of House under the same circumstances. If only Scrubs weren't so darned entertaining!
I wanted to like Veronica Mars, but the episode I saw didn't impress me all that much. I'll probably give it another chance sometime, just for Enrico Colantoni. How can you not like him?
If this keeps up, we're going to need another Tivo, and maybe a really, really cheap VCR for good measure. Oh, Entertainment Weekly, how you've corrupted me!
Jane, Jane - you aren't watching the Amazing Race on Tuesdays? It's simply one of the best shows on TV! No, no it's not some stupid reality show setup based on false pretexts. It's truly a race around the world and it is so cool to see all the neat, exciting challenges they face. It hasn't won 2 straight Emmy's for nothing. :-) It's one of the few shows that I even watch "live" anymore (as opposed to waiting for the DVR to get the jump on me so I can avoid commercials.)
Posted by: cagey | November 17, 2004 at 08:18 AM
When the money fairy shows up next, upgrade your Tivo. Then next generation lets you record 2 things at once...or watch one recorded thing & tape another, I think. It rocks!
Posted by: Pharmgirl | November 18, 2004 at 11:56 AM