Today is my second day without cold medicine, so I think it's safe to say that I'm officially well. Woohoo!
I slept a lot this weekend, but I also got a lot of work done around the house. My husband's sister and her four-month-old baby will be staying with us all next week, so I figured it was time to tackle the giant piles of dirty laundry in the basement. Now I have so many clothes jammed onto my clothes rack that I barely have the strength to push apart the giant bale of clothing to retrieve what I want to wear. I think it might be time to do some serious closet culling.
Yesterday I stewed a hen all day long, which turned the house into a chicken-scented sauna but provided us with a lovely dinner of chicken and dumplings when all was said and done. That means we'll have chicken pot pie for dinner tonight and chicken with noodles for dinner on Tuesday. Not bad for $7.50 worth of meat.
The rest of this year is going to be extremely busy. I have two trips, two holidays and countless social events planned. Thank goodness I'm over my cold...knock on wood.