I spent the morning in the company of the fine public servants of my state department of revenue. I was finally licensing the emergency backup car, which we've had since April. We bought the car from someone in another state, so I had to pay the highway patrol $10 to comb the vehicle for VIN numbers before I could take my stack of paperwork to the clerk and get my new license plate.
The whole process took less than 45 minutes, so I had time to start processing an order for my dad's company and swap laundry loads before proceeding to work (early!).
It's taking me a while to get organized, as always, but I'm definitely on my way.
I have never extracted myself in less than 45 minutes. However did you do it?
Posted by: Rita | August 11, 2004 at 04:37 PM
I think it's my particular state (and the fact that it's almost the middle of the month). It probably helped that I got there just after they opened at 7:30 a.m. Or maybe I'm just lucky!
Posted by: Jane | August 11, 2004 at 05:14 PM
Forty-five minutes is impressive. I know the location of a little-used "secret" DMV satellite office close to where I work. I guard this knowledge jealously.
Posted by: Joolie | August 11, 2004 at 05:37 PM
I recently moved, and needed to get the address on my DL updated. I was pleasantly surprised to find that $5 and 15 minutes later, I was out the door. Not before listening to the screener tell at least 5 people that they had to provide proof of insurance before they could take the driving test. I'm not looking forward to my gray years when I'll have to spend time there on a regular basis. I suppose that's incentive to make a boatload of money and then have a chauffeur motor me about.
Posted by: Kevin | August 12, 2004 at 07:07 AM