Because this is the Great Dumpster Weekend, I'm doing all I can to prepare myself for at least one full day of junk sorting and disposal. As an added incentive to do a thorough job, I sent an Evite yesterday to 115 of our closest friends, inviting them to a party at our house on Labor Day weekend.
The difficult part will be the sorting. Early this spring I had my desk at home pretty well cleared off and all my paperwork filed. Now I'm back to having big piles of papers all over the floor around my desk, sliding to and fro. There might be things there worth saving, and figuring out which things those are will take most of the weekend.
Still, I'm looking forward to clearing out my unnecessarily large supply of old cardboard boxes, paperwork from my husband's former job, outdated printing from my dad's company, the highly expendable stuff that's migrated to the center of our garage, etc., etc. My goal is to be able yodel in the garage, basement or office and hear an echo. (Theoretically, of course. I don't think I'm the sort of person who would really ever go around yodeling, even in private.)
Then there's the hidden mess inside closets, cabinets and our over-abundance of "junk drawers." I would like to pare down the number of junk drawers in our kitchen to one (but I'm not holding my breath on that one), and I would also like to prove that it isn't necessary to keep a 5-foot deep bathroom cabinet completely full. If and when I can afford to have our bathroom remodeled, that ridiculously-designed cabinet is going away to be replaced by one that doesn't require the user to crawl inside to get to items in the back.
Wow, this is going to require a lot of strong coffee. Wish me luck!
When I realized my bathroom cabinets & drawers were in a similar state, I pulled up a large trashcan & had a seat. Turned out I didn't REALLY need over 85% of the crap in there! If I hated that shampoo when I bought it, (5 years ago) I'm NEVER going to change my mind. Ever!
Posted by: Pharmgirl | August 14, 2004 at 05:01 PM
Lotsa luck :)
You have 115 friends? Wow. I think I can count ours on one hand!
Posted by: Fi | August 14, 2004 at 06:19 PM
What a great idea ... yearly dumpster weekend. If I had done that over the past 20 years I wouldn't have had a garage full of JUNK to get rid of each time I moved to a new house. Nine years ago we rented a U-Haul truck and crammed it to the top with a load for the dump.
Posted by: Marianne Morse | August 15, 2004 at 02:46 PM