My Sea-Monkey population is slowly dwindling. There are now five females, two males, and a few hard-to-spot babies. One male expired over the weekend. If I were a Sea-Monkey male, I'd be very, very concerned.
However, when you have a brain that can be measured in molecules, worry is not a concept that comes into play. But if worry is an alien concept to the Sea-Monkey, irritation is not. There's a pattern of behavior emerging wherein single Sea-Monkeys will deliberately bump into mating pairs. This sets off a spasm of violent, annoyed "get the Hell away from us" wriggling by the disturbed couple. Is it jealousy? Mischievousness? Only Jerry Springer could tell us for sure.
Otherwise, life proceeds as usual for the little brine shrimp. Their water has been a trifle cloudy of late, so I've cut back on feedings. The Ocean-Zoo is about a half-inch low on water, but I don't think there's any hurry about topping it off. Yawn.
Since my little tank of water bugs is getting to be less and less interesting of late, I have decided to place an order for Sea-Diamonds. Yes, they sound like a lame gimmick, but I'm interested in anything that might jazz up the whole Sea-Monkey experience (for me, not for them).
Anything to help me resist the impulse to flush them all down the toilet and move on to a new hobby!