My little Sea-Monkeys are all grown up! They may not have reached full size yet (according to the literature, they can grow up to 3/4" long), but adulthood has nevertheless fallen upon the larger individuals of the Sea-Monkey colony.
Over the weekend, several of the females developed the distinctive egg sac that differentiates them from the males. In addition, one couple is shamelessly engaged in a prolonged session of hot Sea-Monkey lovin' (so much for the solitary life of the Sea-Monkey!).
One female in particular has such a large and prominent egg sac that I'll probably be able to tell her apart from the rest indefinitely. Baby got Sea-Monkey back, is really the only way to describe it (especially since they swim upside down).
Of course, we all know where this is heading: more babies! The great Disneyesque circle of life is taking place right on my desk.