Christy and Allison, the Marketing Babe godmothers of the Sea-Monkeys, sent me some links to various Sea-Monkey fan sites containing valuable care information. The instructions that come with the Sea-Monkeys Ocean-Zoo are contradictory and vague in the extreme, so I had to rely on the web sites for valuable trouble-shooting information. It was on the Sea Monkey Worship Page that I found a description of exactly how full of water the Ocean-Zoo should be to create the correct electrolyte balance to promote life.
Before I left work yesterday, I proceeded to top-off the Ocean-Zoo level to the top magnifier bubble, per the online instructions. At that point I figured I had nothing to lose.
Today I see...Sea-Monkeys! After nearly an entire week of peering into their murky little tank and seeing nothing, I spotted a handful of vigorous swimmers this morning. They are very small (1mm tops), and most of them are white except for one pinkish specimen. It's hard to spot them in my dark cubicle, but when the Ocean-Zoo is placed on a windowsill, the show begins.
It's hard to tell how many of them are in there right now. When they get a little bigger and suck up some of the tank flotsam, it will be easier to take a census.
That's today's report. Maybe by Monday they'll be easier to count.