The Sea-Simians and I have moved to a new cubicle! Their Ocean-Zoo now sits in a sunny windowsill, which has led to increased frolicking on the part of my little invertebrates. I am keeping a close eye on the tilt of the blinds, lest I inadvertently parboil my pets at high noon.
Meanwhile, I have discovered another Sea-Monkey colony in the billing department at my office. They were hatched a few weeks ago, so all of them are much smaller than mine. The Billing Sea-Monkeys have a Day-Glo yellow tank that came with a package of Sea-Diamonds – I'm so jealous!
What are Sea-Diamonds, you ask? Only the hallowed "Official Sea-Monkey Handbook" can do justice in describing them: "This heap of sparking 'sea gems' make Sea-Monkeys happy by giving them toys that they will really play with! So pretty they might as well be REAL, watch the Sea-Monkeys have fun by tossing Sea-Diamonds around like beachballs! They even 'learn' to climb up and ride them as if they were surfboards and get much-needed 'exercise.' But MOST AMAZING, as the water level drops Sea-Diamonds RISE UP from the bottom and FLOAT MIDWATER IN DEFIANCE OF THE LAW OF GRAVITY! The Sea-Monkeys now wend their way among the mysteriously suspended gems swimming in and out of the enchanted 'maze.' So fantastic, it MUST be seen to be believed!"
Once again I feel the need to examine some of the Handbook's statements in more detail.
- Although I have never observed Sea-Diamonds in action, my Sea-Monkeys don't seem interested in playing anything but "doctor."
- What on earth does gravity have to do with something floating?!
- Can you tell I'm starting to use the Handbook's breathless descriptions as a cheap humor crutch when nothing very exciting is happening?
Anyway, my colony seems happy and healthy. I've noticed a lot more babies swimming around, but it's difficult to tell if I'm observing the same ones day after day, or if they keep dying and being replaced by new hatchlings. Time will tell.
No deaths to report this week, plus the longest Sea-Monkey is getting close to the half-inch mark. Maybe the Red-Magic Vitamins are more effective than I thought!